Kraftwerk, Stockholm 2014

Product development

Product development is what happens both before a product is born, during adaptations and renewal. All products need from time to time an appraisal, on how good the product meets the market expectations. Development projects normally follow a give scheme:

  1. Analysis
  2. Target formulation
  3. Execution
  4. Implementation

Project methods vary and often follow the latest trends. LEAN and Agile methodic are very popular today

– the important is to use methods that support the goals. To develop pharmaceuticals, the first Iphone, the 6’th generation of Iphone or the next major release of Windows is not the same. Therefore is it important to choose a development method that supports the target of the project.

Fact 21

We are glad to help you with all kinds of project handling. We can support you in all from analysis, planning, administration or single steps in the project as well as the total project. Contact us for more information on how we can help you: